Bespoke solutions
Tailored advice and bespoke solutions, carefully designed for your specific access hazards
Specialist equipment
Supply of specialist equipment, installations / inspections by trained and certified height technicians
IRATA Rope Access
Multi-skilled height and IRATA Rope Access Technicians able to tackle a wide variety of work scopes
Falls from height are one of the most significant causes of death and major injury at work, on average there are 43,000 falls from height in the workplace particulary in the construction industry.
360 Height Projects
Main areas of risk
Getting on to the roof is the first potential hazard. Your method of access should take into account the competence of all users. Permanent solutions that offer collective protection are preferred in law to personal or temporary measures because they require lower competency to use safely.
Much roof work takes place close to edges and openings. Roof parapets do not always provide adequate protection. Guardrails are the best solution to prevent workers from falling in these areas.
Uneven roof surfaces and standing seams present a trip hazard. Flat, clear walkways provide a safe, stable surface to navigate. On slippery roof finishes, such as membranes, anti-slip walkways should be laid to provide a safe access route.
KEY Responsibilities
Avoiding working at height, by doing work at ground level or using the right tools.
If work must be undertaken at height, then systems should be installed which prevent falls from occuring. These measures should provide collective protection to keep all workers safe from injury. Collective systems include safe access ladders, guardrails, rooflight guards and anti-slip walkways.
As a last resort, if the risk of falling cannot be removed, then the extent and consequences of any fall should be minimised with fall arrest systems.